The Earth Day Family Photo
(Samm's T-shirt reads "Green is the New Black"; Jay's reads "Save the Planet; it's the Only One With Beer", and Clover's was hand made by her Mommy and reads "Respect Your Mother" with pic of earth)
I know it's been pretty quiet around here; I'll give you a real post this weekend.
Samm at about 5 months old and Clover at 4 months old.
The Goofy Bird was Samm's first Easter basket animal.
Check out the long piece of hair on the top of Samm's head; she was born with that long piece and a little pony tail type of piece on the back. We called her our Punk Baby. "The Piece" came in handy when we wanted to put a bow in her hair.
Yes, we do still have "The Piece". It was a sad day when we had to cut it.
She stayed upright, without support, long enough for Chris to walk around to the front of the bed and take the picture. After that, this is what she looked like:
Samm says she looks "sassy" in this picture.
I have to agree :-)
(p.s. While our bedroom wall is indeed bright green, it's not quite that bright. In my defense, it used to be Samm's room.)
I know I haven't written a "real" post in a while, but I promise there will be one over the weekend. I actually started a WNBP (Wednesday Night Bullet Post), but never finished it so I was going to give you a WNBPOTN (WNBP on Thursday Night), but I never finished that either. So, I've just decided to wait for the weekend.
BTW, we're in the middle of another effing snow storm today - FUN TIMES, I tell ya! Someone told me this is our 23rd snow event of the season - enough already!
I meant to post before leaving for SPA on Friday, but never got around to it, so I thought I'd share some Eye Candy and fill you in on the wonderful weekend tomorrow.
And, just so you don't think I've already given up on WW, here are the results of my weigh in (I went on Friday morning, so this is after 6 days instead of 7):
Down 3.6 pounds!
Pretty good start, I'd say. I did not count points over the weekend, but I also did not go crazy with the food. Back on program today.
More silly kitty in the crib pictures on my flickr site; he just kept rolling around modeling all different positions for me :-)
I know I haven't posted much this week; I promise a real post sometime this weekend.
I was just looking through some of my photos and came across this picture I took about a month ago. This is my great-niece, Kayla. Isn't she adorable? I just love the way my niece puts her hair up like that.
A lot of you have asked where I found Tina; I won't leave you in suspense any longer. I found her lying face down on the floor near the bathroom door. Pretty anti-climatic, no? That's really pretty tame for the hubby; I have a feeling he may not be done. He once put a big picture of someone's face in my bathroom window. I found it when I opened the shade; it was dark out and it looked like someone was looking in the window. I just about shit my pants with that one! I think I'll be keeping my guard up for a while.
As for knitting, I've completed the body and hood of Clover's sweater and have started the first sleeve. I'm guessing it'll be an FO later tonight or tomorrow morning. Pictures once it's done.
Have a great day!
Well, I didn't take an "Eye Candy" photo this week, so I went looking in my saved photos for something appropriate. I was going to give you some Kitty Kandy, but then I came across this old photo and couldn't resist. Meet my "brothers":
Obviously, this picture was taken in 1972. Tony was 7 and Ricky was 10. I got them to put on my mother's wigs (remember when women used to actually consider wigs a wardrobe accessory?), a couple of her tops, and I think those are her boots but they could be hers and my sister's.
As I recall, I didn't even have to bribe them to do it :-)
I spent the afternoon with my sister and this little cutie.
Colin turns 3 on Sunday and he and his Nonni (my sis) made cupcakes this morning to celebrate.
He's already quite the little soccer player!
He's a very busy little guy!
And a very sweet little guy.
You can see the rest of the pics I took today here if you like.
Have a great night.
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