Thank goodness for the Wednesday Night Bullet Post. If it weren't for this opportunity to post a bunch of random things, I would probably post even less than I do now. It's kind of freeing to not have to worry about transitioning from one subject to the next.
So, let the random begin!
~~I voted today.
~~No, it's not election day; I voted by absentee ballot.
~~I won't be absent on election day, but that doesn't matter. The State of Maine wants to make it easy for everyone to vote so we're allowed to vote by absentee for any old reason.
~~Even if that reason is that I'm just too lazy to go to the polling place.
~~I can get my ballot right at work, so can you blame me for not wanting to drive the 2 miles to the polling place?
~~Of course I voted NO on 1
~~Speaking of voting and NO on 1, don't forget about this and this.
~~When you see your cat in a position like this, what is the first thing any sane knit-blogger (is there any such thing) would think to do?
~~Take photos of course, and add a WIP for good measure.
Pattern: Plain Ole Stockinette Stitch, Top Down, Heel Flap sock
Needles: Size 2 dpn
Yarn: Cherry Tree Hill (colorway unknown - label lost a long time ago)
Cat: Rico (I guess I did disturb him; he moved his legs up)
~~I've knit a bit more on this sock since that photo session yesterday morning; I'm a couple inches down the foot now.
~~Did I mention that this is a mansock?
~~Men have big feet.
~~Mansocks take a loooong time to knit.*****************************************************
~~I started a new sweater for myself - Acer by Kirsten Kapur
~~I've only done a few inches and haven't taken a picture yet.
~~I can show you the yarn I'm using though:
Cascade Yarns Eco + in a beautiful purple
~~Yes, I know that's way more than I need.
~~I'll probably use the rest for something for Clover.
~~Maybe another little dress.
~~I still haven't been doing much spinning.
~~I have a couple of bobbins with 2ply yarn that needs to be wound off.
~~They've been on the bobbins a couple of weeks.
~~I really should do something about that.
~~I also have two bobbins of singles that I need to ply.
~~I think I'll do that tomorrow night at Chicks with Wheels.
~~Have I mentioned recently how far behind I am in responding to comments?
~~I thought I was getting all caught up Monday morning before work.
~~I went through a bunch of comments, hit the reply button, composed nice personal notes, and hit send.
~~I felt good about my progress and figured I'd respond to the rest during the day at work.
~~It hit me sometime mid-morning.
~~I was replying to the blog, not the individual commenter.
~~I quickly opened Typepad and looked for my comments.
~~They didn't seem to be there.
~~Luckily, they were all marked as spam and not visible on the blog (not that I write anything bad, but some of them had more than just a response to the comment itself).
~~I deleted them all and have no clue who I owe responses to anymore.
~~I hate the changes Typepad made to how we reply to comments.
~~Yes, they "fixed" the major problem, but I just can't remember to change the email address everytime I hit reply so that it doesn't go to the blog.
~~I guess I'm getting old.
~~I'm going to do my best to respond in a timely manner from now on (and will hopefully remember to change the "to" address in the reply!).
~~That's all I've got.
~~Have a wonderful evening!
Boo-hiss typepad! :( You scared me for a minute - I thought I'd blinked and missed both October and Election Day...
Posted by: Chris | Oct 07, 2009 at 06:10 PM
You had no choice but to take a picture of the cat. The cat was asking for it. That's just the way life goes...
I'm going to vote on the regular day because I really like voting in my town. Everyone calling me about how I should vote seems to think otherwise, but I'm sticking on this one. It's tradition to vote in the high school gym! (for the record, if it wasn't such a hoot to vote in my town, I'd do the absentee thing in a heartbeat!)
Posted by: Sheepish Annie | Oct 07, 2009 at 08:32 PM
Yikes, with my luck I'd respond something back bad..well not meaning to LOL! Acer, I'm waiting for some Peace Fleece for this, I love your color though! As for the CTH colorway, it's Birches, I just destashed a skein to someone needing it. Oh and the cat in the wee chair, haha!!
Posted by: Zonda | Oct 07, 2009 at 10:28 PM
Noolie, you need to stop posting links to websites with beautiful patterns. Unless of course, you'd like to buy me yarn to make all those patterns. Acer is gorgeous and so "you."
Posted by: April | Oct 07, 2009 at 10:42 PM
Strangely enough, I've seen photos of my mother-in-law sleeping in more or less the same position. Several of them. Apparently the picture taking isn't just a compulsion among knitbloggers!
Posted by: Sarah | Oct 08, 2009 at 07:21 AM
The sock is beautiful, even if it is for a man. It matches Rico perfectly.
I can't wait to see your Acer. I have been thinking about that sweater. The color you've chosen is lovely.
Posted by: Karen | Oct 08, 2009 at 07:36 AM
I love the kitty photo and I'm looking forward to seeing the sweater.
We get to vote early - and I think we can do the absentee thing too. I love not having to stand in line.
Posted by: shannon | Oct 08, 2009 at 08:13 AM
oh Rico! he's such a silly boy!
and I hate going to vote too and would LOVE it if we had the same option. too many people, gah.
Posted by: colleen | Oct 08, 2009 at 04:01 PM
Rico. I nearly giggled myself out of my chair, he really loves his girl,eh?
mansocks. sigh. why oh why do they have to have such large feet?
Mmmm, that purple is SO lovely, will make a very fine Acer.
You're funny, and sweet, and I love you. xoxox
Posted by: marianne | Oct 09, 2009 at 09:26 AM
I can see you wearing that Acer sweater! I will try to vote next weekk. I really DO like voting on voting day though, it's such an affair, and you get to see folks, and get those fun stickers.
Posted by: lisa | Oct 09, 2009 at 10:57 AM
That cat was asking for it. It's a very funny picture.
We are electing a new governor this November and I'm ashamed to say that for the first time ever I'm tempted not to vote at all. I really don't care for either candidate at all. All of their ads are turning me off in a major way.
Posted by: Hillary | Oct 09, 2009 at 11:29 AM
Love the cat pic! And it was nice reading all of the things you've been up to. I'm soo behind on my blog reading AND writing. I miss you! ; )
Posted by: Gina aka SleepyEyes | Oct 15, 2009 at 04:28 PM