This is pretty much what our sky has looked like all week. I'm just about sick of it and am more than ready for some sunshine! We are supposed to get some tomorrow, just in time to go back to work.
I haven't really done much this weekend; yesterday was spent lazing around the house all day. I did make a silly monkey head, though.
Just the head (with huge mouth); no body. I'm going to make a little mini-blanket to attach to this head. When Samm was a baby, she received a little mini-blanket with a teddy bear head and she loved that thing. It ended up being called Spot Bear because she always had to find the good spot (the stinky baby breath spot) to sniff and rub on her cheek while she sucked her thumb. One time when she was about 5 years old, she wanted to tie dye the blanket part. The directions on the tie dye kit said to iron it after dying it and the damn blanket part just sizzled up and died when the iron touched it. OMG; it was so traumatic. But we saved it by sewing the edges (which didn't burn and which just so happened to contain the "good spot") to the head. She still has that silly thing. Anyway, I've made a few animal heads with blankies attached for people having babies and this one is for my co-worker, Luke, whose wife is due in a couple weeks. He specifically asked for it (well, not the monkey, just an animal head with the blankie).
I've also been working on my "May Day" socks for the Sockamania Knit-a-long. I started these last Sunday at work and completed one 24 row repeat of the pattern and I finished the second repeat this morning at work. I'm ready to start the heel. I need to finish this pair by the end of the month for this knit-a-long and they'll also count as my SAM3 May socks. I had a little trouble with the pattern last week, but discovered it was because I was doing my Make one purlwise wrong. I was making it much more difficult than it had to be. I've got it figured out and it's going pretty smoothly now.
I'm using Trekking color #126. I ordered this yarn on e-bay the day I saw the socks Carole made with it. It makes me think of ice cream. I love it.
The Booga Bag is dry and ready to be assembled. I won't assemble it until tomorrow night at class, but here it is unassembled.
The color is most accurate in the big picture without the straps.
Now I have a confession to make: I didn't make it a full 24 hours without smoking. I'm not giving up though, and I'm not too proud to ask for help. So I called my doctor and got in for an appointment to get a new drug I've been hearing about. Apparently, this is pretty much a miracle drug. It is specifically for helping with quitting smoking. It blocks the nicotine receptors in the body so that the nicotine doesn't have the effect it normally does. I started taking it yesterday and am supposed to take it for a full week while still smoking and then quit on day 8. I'll continue taking the medication for a full 12 weeks (at which time I can decide if I want to do another 12 weeks). Supposedly, I should have no withdrawal symptoms once I quit. The doctor said it has been extremely successful and my sister told me about a friend of hers who has tried to quit multiple times over the years and was able to with this. She said that towards the end of the first week, she didn't really want a cigarette but had to continue until her "quit date" on day 8. She hasn't smoked in 10 or 11 weeks and never once craved one. I am so ready for this to work that I know it will. I'll keep you posted. Friday is my last smoking day; Saturday is day 8 - quit day.
Quitting is a process...and it doesn't always "take" the first time. I think I know the med. you're talking about and I've heard really good things. Another blogger and I were just discussing it the other day, as a matter of fact. She had amazing results. Good luck!
Posted by: Sheepish Annie | May 20, 2007 at 07:27 PM
Julie, my husband started using this drug 3 weeks ago and hasn't had a cigarette in two. He says he feels a little lost, but he hasn't been crabby. He's going through the chocolate jar faster than usual...I start the stuff on Friday. That way my students will only have to get through one week of me quitting. It's a hard thing, but it looks like this drug could really help. I'm rooting for you!
Posted by: Mary | May 20, 2007 at 07:30 PM
Oh my, I haven't heard of this miracle drug, can you email the name to me? I would dearly appreciate it. I'm sending you all kinds of good luck wishes.
Love the monkey head, my kids had those buddy blankies, so cute.
Love that sock! What a pretty pattern!
Posted by: marianne | May 20, 2007 at 07:36 PM
Hang in there on the quitting! Hoping the Doc. can help you out!
Too cute, that Monkey head! What yarn is that? I love that colorway of Trekking also.
Posted by: Zonda | May 20, 2007 at 07:51 PM
I love the monkey head, what a cute idea with the blanket. I was traumatized when my blankie flew out the window of our car when we were going over a bridge. It was quite a high bridge, and landed in the middle of the Merrimack river and floated away, not to be saved. I hope some fish in the Atlantic has enjoyed it all these years! ha ha
I'm happy for your for being so committed to quitting smoking. I don't think its bad to ask for help! I think it's worse when you don't then become a "closet" smoker - I know a few of those... that drives me crazy.
Posted by: Amanda | May 20, 2007 at 07:54 PM
lovin those socks!
anyway, quitting smoking is right up there with loosing weight as far as difficulty level. and that's far up. you just need the right "program" (like WW) that will work for you. hope the meds do it for you! I'll keep rooting for you.
Posted by: colleen | May 20, 2007 at 08:20 PM
I love the neapolitan ice cream socks!
Best of luck on the no smoking plan - You have a great new reason to quit and hopefully the med will get you over the hump!!
Posted by: Pat | May 20, 2007 at 08:37 PM
I love your socks but you knew I'd say that! Good luck with the quitting smoking, you can do it.
Posted by: Carole | May 20, 2007 at 08:57 PM
Good for you for getting help to quit smoking and for giving it another try! I'll be rooting for you!
And good luck with that sock -- I could not get gauge with my chevron pattern sock and it doesn't fit well.
Posted by: AuntieAnn | May 20, 2007 at 09:20 PM
What a great idea for a baby gift!! Your May Day socks are looking great, too. I haven't blogged about mine yest - they look pretty good, but I'm reallyu going to have to get in gear to get them done!
I think it's great that you have a plan b for stopping smoking.
Posted by: Chris | May 20, 2007 at 10:10 PM
There is no shame in getting some help. No withdrawls??? I wish that would have been available when I quit. My poor husband would have probably paid ANY price for it. Luckily for me he is a very patient man. Beautiful socks and I love, love, love the monkey head.
Posted by: Amy | May 20, 2007 at 10:29 PM
good luck with the smoking thing...
I love that idea of the baby blanket, and the traum of the ironed smelly one was so funny!
That sock yarn is gorgeous, lovely colours too!
Posted by: Marianne | May 20, 2007 at 10:37 PM
That monkey head is so cute, I want to see it with the mini blanket attached. Lots of knitting content today!
Good luck with the quitting. I know that cigarettes are a strong addiction, so use all the help you can get. I know of some people that have used that drug and it IS a miracle drug.
Posted by: Brenda | May 20, 2007 at 10:47 PM
That monkey head is so cute! How did you make it? I would love to make one for Robby with the mini blanket attached, I bet he would LOVE it. I hope the new medicine works with the quitting smoking, when I quit, I didn't quit cold turkey, I just started smoking less and less over a period of two years, and when I found out I was pregnant, I just stopped altogether. It's a really hard thing to do! But I know you can do it, and I'm sure you will have success!
Posted by: Bea | May 21, 2007 at 10:26 AM
The monkey head is so cute. My son is a huge Curious George fan. He would just love it!
Posted by: Lisa | May 21, 2007 at 11:22 AM
I love those socks!
I hope this drug gives you the help you need to quit, sweetie. Ya know, there's no shame in needing help to quit and/or in having to try more than once to stop. The smoking is that powerful, but I know you can kick it. *hugs*
Posted by: Cookie | May 21, 2007 at 12:47 PM
Chantix. My father has started it four weeks ago and he's now three weeks smoke- free. (P.S. He smoked for 44 years). He's loving it.
Your booga bag and socks are gorgeous and yes, the sock yarn is like a nice, Neopolitan ice cream. :) Good luck with the smoking can do it!
Posted by: Dana | May 21, 2007 at 01:16 PM
I love the monkey head blankie!
It's way hard to quit, so don't be so hard on yourself - you can do it!!
(I did it cold turkey 10 years ago, I *know* how hard it is! I'm here is you need a shoulder or someone to scream at, heh)
Posted by: Debi | May 22, 2007 at 02:47 AM
Great projects. I love the monkey head blanket thing. I want that sock yarn.
Quitting is tough. I hope the new drug works wonders and makes it easy for you.
Posted by: Amy Boogie | May 22, 2007 at 07:44 AM
I love your sock and the monkey head! So cute.
Good luck with not smoking. It's hard, but you can do it!
Posted by: Arleta | May 22, 2007 at 08:47 AM
OH Julie, the sock monkey head is so cute!! I just found out like 2 minutes ago a friend in KY is expecting!! I don't know his wife well, but I think a little animal headed blanket would be so awesome to give them! I'm off to search for patterns!!
Good luck on the not smoking! See you in a week or so! I'm coming up with Gina and the gang.
Posted by: Lora | May 22, 2007 at 09:07 AM
Hey Julie! The monkey/blanket story is pretty funny. My younger bro had a blankie that he'd suck, nearly always after an oreo. It quickly became disgusting, so mom cut it into 4 pieces so they could go into the wash. We're right now in Williams Jct, AZ. The train is stopped, internet connection is here, but slow. Good luck with not smoking, I'll send you some positive vibes. (have you tried/thought about hypnotism or homeopathy...I know there is a remedy that is supposed to help).
Posted by: lisa | May 22, 2007 at 10:59 AM
The monkey head blanket is so sweet. Your coworker is going to love it!
Good luck with the new medication. You can do it!! It will take time but you will be so proud. And maybe if you think of safety valves, things you can do when you feel the urge to smoke, you'll be prepared. Also dream of a big reward for yourself when you do stop! (Italian dinner to celebrate?). :)
Posted by: Debby | May 22, 2007 at 11:57 AM
Julie! I *love* that Trekking yarn and the pattern is it available somewhere??? Don't beat yourself up re: smoking. Quitting is THE hardest thing you will ever do in your life, but it can be done, and once you get to the other side you won't believe how good it feels!! Let me know it there is anything I can do to support you...even if it's just give you my phone number and you call me before you light up (that seriously kept me from lighting up a few times!!)
Posted by: Melissa | May 22, 2007 at 08:41 PM
Now you and Carole are BOTH tempting me with that sock yarn. I LOVE it!!
As everyone has said, quitting smoking is a process. It's one of the most difficult things I've ever done, but hopefully the medication will help you. I personally tried Wellbutrin, so if this med doesn't work, I'm going to recommend mine.
hang in there!
Posted by: ~Kristie | May 23, 2007 at 12:29 AM