Clover gave us a little musical performance the other night.
I hope you enjoyed today's show.
Have a great day!
Clover gave us a little musical performance the other night.
I hope you enjoyed today's show.
Have a great day!
10 Things to Do Instead of Watching TV
Who doesn't love watermelon on a nice summer day?
(Alyssa & Cheyla (Clover's cousins) and Clover)
Wouldn't you love a couple slices in the winter too?
I don't know about you, but I suddenly have a craving for some watermelon!
I have to tell you that "camping" to me is staying at a camp; I do NOT do tent camping. My mother and step-father used to own two camps, one at Moosehead Lake in Greenville, ME and one at Schoodic Lake in Brownville Jct., ME ( so tiny I can't find a good link). (They still own the one at Schoodic.) We used to go for a week during the summer or a long weekend in the fall; we haven't been in many years! So, on with the list....
1. Bug Spray - no matter where you go camping, the bugs are going to be there too!
2. Benedryl - I remember one trip to Schoodic Lake with my friend, "Missa Louise"; I got stung by a bee. I have never been stung before and my foot started swelling. We were at least an hour away from the nearest hospital. We searched the camp first aid kits and medicine cabinets for some Benedryl and couldn't find any - we found every kind of fiber imaginable (sorry Mom), but no Benedryl. Luckily, I was not allergic and all was well, but my mother did receive a package of Benedryl for her birthday the next month :-)
3. Beer - this is a no-brainer; beer and camp just go together.
4. Coffee (or caffeine beverage of choice) - because even though you don't need to wait until noon for #3, you'll still need your caffeine in the morning!
5. Food - specifically, burgers and dogs.
6. Marshmallows - have to toast marshmallows over the fire - I like to catch mine on fire and eat them burnt (yes, I do know I'm weird.)
7. Swimsuit - because you can NOT go camping without it being near a lake (or other body of water!)
8. Float - preferably with a drink holder (see #3).
9. Books - must have something to read while floating in the lake.
10. Knitting - for evenings and (heaven forbid) rainy days.
While reading Facebook yesterday, I followed a link to a story that anyone who goes to the beach should read. This story has a very happy ending thankfully, but it could have ended so very differently. Please take a couple of minutes and read it.
Sorry to my Facebook friends for the double post, but I think this is too important not to post both in places!
I have no new picture of Clover to share with you this week so I thought I'd share a bit of her silliness instead.
Have a wonderful and silly weekend!
1. Float in the pool. I know this one comes as a big surprise to all of you, but it's true; I do love to float around in the pool on a nice warm sunny day.
2. Read a good book (preferably while floating in the pool.)
3. Drink an iced cold beverage while enjoying the warm Summer sun (preferably while floating in the pool.)
4. Take the spinning wheel and knitting out to the deck and enjoy some spinning and knitting outside in the sun.
5. Cook out on the grill. (Better yet, eat food that has been cooked on the grill by someone else.)
6. Go to The Ferry Landing for some delicious fried native shrimp and Jimmy Juice (rum punch).
7. Go for evening walks.
8. Go to Fiber Revival - the only downside to this event is that it happens in mid-August, which means summer is winding down, but this is deinitely a favorite of mine.
9. Take a week (or two) off of work with absolutely no plans whatsoever (other than floating in the pool of course!)
10. Eat ice cream - I haven't been to my favorite summer ice cream joint yet this year, but there is still time.
It's that time again. Time for Summer of Socks. My goal this year is to knit socks for Clover. She is the most knit-worthy person I know. She picks up a lovely skein of yarn, rubs it on her cheek, and asks "Nonni, will you make me socks?" Once socks are made, she loves to wear them even though it is summer. I ask you - could you resist making socks for someone who appreciates them that much????
Here's her first pair this summer:
Yarn: Sereknitty Yarn and Fiber Sock Options - Sweet Clover colorway (a special colorway made in her honor by Heather and gifted to me)
Needles: size 2 dpn's
Pattern: Cuff down Stockinette stitch over 44 stitches with Eye of Partridge heel
These socks may look familiar. I made an identical (except for size) pair for her Mommy back in 2008. I also used this same skein of yarn for Clover's first Christmas Ornaments. After all this, I still have some yarn left. I'm thinking of making a mini keychain sock with it.
This yarn is very special to me and I want to use every single inch of it! Heather not only gifted a skein to me, but she gave me a skein as a prize for a fundraiser I was doing in honor of my friend, Betty, who was battling Multiple Myeloma at the time. Unfortunately, Betty lost her battle just five days after Clover was born; this makes the yarn even more special to me.
I've started my next pair for SOS 2010 using more gifted yarn; I'm calling this next pair, "A Slice of Watermellon." Pictures and details soon.
ETA: Clover let me take her picture with the socks on and it is just too cute not to share with you, so I'm adding it now. Enjoy:
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